Aeronautics Budget & Capital Performance

Capital budget disbursement is the percentage of total allocated capital budget that is disbursed to contractors, vendors, etc. by the end of the fiscal year. This measure is an indicator of how well the Aeronautics Division executes its planned expenditures.

The Aeronautics Division set a long-term target to spend 100 percent of the funds budgeted for airport capital improvements each year. In FY23, the Division disbursed 98 percent of the capital budget funds.

This measure compares the number of projects completed on or under budget against all projects. The Aeronautics Division manages projects through extensive project and internal controls. These metrics, along with other factors, provide an indication of the effectiveness of those strategies within grant projects conducted during the fiscal year.

This measure compares the number of projects completed on or under time against all projects. This metric provides an indication of the division’s effectiveness in managing projects to established timelines.

In FY23, the Aeronautics Division had 93 open contracts programmed for completion by end of fiscal year. 88, or 94.6%, of these were competed on/under budget and 88, or 94.6% were also completed on/under time in FY23. FY24 and FY26 targets for this measure are to have 92% of all projects completed within the timeframe established in the contract.

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