Thank you for taking our second Station Prints Quiz! Let’s take a look at the answers to see which station matched which prints.
Mystery Station 1:

This station is Charles/MGH. The major peak being in the evening suggests that the station must be in an area with more workplaces than residences, likely a downtown station. The fact that there was decent retention around evening peak periods indicates that many of the people using this station to get home from work likely have jobs that are not able to be done at home. The somewhat atypical peak times throughout the afternoon and evening are evidence of distinct times when people are leaving work (i.e., fixed shifts). The tightness and consistency of these peaks between 2019 and 2021 signals that the station must be fairly close to the workplace. All signs point to Charles/MGH, which is of course right near the downtown MGH campus and has many essential workers who have been going into the “office” throughout the pandemic. Nurses tend to have a shift change at 7:00 AM, 3:00 PM, and 11:00 PM, which are evident as peaks in the station print.
Mystery Station 2:

This station is Roxbury Crossing. The large morning peak pre-pandemic reveals that it is an outlying station. The set of mid-afternoon peaks implies that it must be quite close to some high schools. Roxbury Crossing has Madison Park, John D. O’Bryant, and Fenway High Schools all within 0.4 miles.
Mystery Station 3:

This station is Bowdoin. The evening peak suggests that the station is downtown, but the low ridership indicates that it is a station with only one line and with limited office buildings in the area. The Blue Line has lower ridership than other lines but tended to retain more ridership from 2019 to 2021. The top 6 stops by average daily validation retention are Revere Beach, Beachmont, Maverick, Wood Island, Bowdoin, and Airport, which are all Blue Line stops. Orient Heights ranks number 9, and Suffolk Downs is number 12.
Mystery Station 4:

This is South Station. The most notable feature of this print is the various morning peaks which are evidence of arriving commuter rail trains. Additionally, the very high evening peak confirms that the station is downtown and close to many workplaces. Notably, South Station is the station with the lowest average daily validation retention from 2019 to 2021 at only 26.2%.
Mystery Station 5:

This is Suffolk Downs. The morning peak hinted that it is an outlying station, and the other clue is its severely low ridership. Suffolk Downs is the station with the fewest average daily validations – both in 2019 and in 2021. In 2019 it averaged 639 validations a day, which is comparable to the 628 validations on average that Davis got from 8:15 – 8:30 AM in 2019. Since the racetrack closed, Suffolk Downs has had minimal ridership, but we of course expect this to grow substantially as the site is redeveloped.
Answer to the bonus question: Downtown Crossing, 5:00 – 5:15 PM.
Thank you for participating in our second prints quiz!