January 28, 2022

OPMI Announces Tracker 2021

We are proud to release the 2021 version of Tracker.

We are proud to release the 2021 version of Tracker.

Tracker is our annual performance management report, functioning as our response to Chapter 25 of the Acts of 2009 which called for the creation of a performance measurement system across the Department of Transportation, along with a publicly available progress report on those performance measures.

Tracker contains key performance metrics for the MassDOT divisions – Aeronautics, Highway, Rail and Transit, and the Registry of Motor Vehicles – as well as the MBTA. For Tracker, each department supplies its data, which our Office of Performance Management & Innovation (OPMI) then uses to create a yearly report that acts as the central location for all MassDOT performance data.  

Within the Tracker website, you can explore performance data organized by five goal areas: Customer Experience, Safety, System Condition, Budget & Capital Performance, and Healthy & Sustainable Transportation. Interactive maps allow users to visualize areas of jurisdiction, and the charts show change over time to easily indicate performance improvement or decline.  

This year’s Tracker continues to document the impact of the pandemic on the transportation network and the performance of MassDOT and the MBTA in light of this. The State of Travel contains an overview of how biking, walking, transit, and vehicle usage changed in FY21 compared to the preceding years. Overall, we saw an increase in the number of biking and walking trips, while vehicle trips declined. Transit trips are still well below pre-pandemic volumes.

Heading into 2022, OPMI will kick-off our target-setting process, which will update the targets for the performance measures. We will continue to closely monitor the impact of COVID-19 on travel patterns across the state and will use these impacts to inform future targets.  

For scorecards and a high-level overview of the data, view the PDF.